Video Square Dance Lessons Online - free online review of Square Dance calls.
Traveling Hoedowners Square Dance Reference DVD - an offline option to watch on your DVD player/TV or old PC with a DVD player. Amazon purchase link.
Student Level Dances in the area. Join other students at Student Level Dances at other clubs in the area.
List of Basic Square Dance Moves - you can review this list to see what may be called at a student level dance (currently moves are Basic Program Part 1 - 1 thru 32 as of October 2022).
Definitions of Basic Square Dance Moves - you can look up and review any move that you are not familiar with if you can not find the move on the free online videos or other resources.
Regional & Statewide Square Organizations
Mount Baker Square Dance Council - The Skagit Squares is a member of this regional group of Square Dance Clubs. The website has other information for other area Square & Round Dance clubs, a dance calendar & other information.
Square & Folk Dance Federation of Washington - State wide Square Dance Organization is made up of regional local councils. Also includes the Footnotes Online Magazine.
Round Dancing & Plus Square Dancing in our area
Plus Dancing - the next level of dance moves after Mainstream - the local club is the Fidalgo Fogcutters who dance up at the Skagit Valley Grange - Fidalgo Focutters Club Dance Calendar & Information.
Round Dancing - Bob & Linda Berka teach round dancing on Sundays throughout the year & have weekly dances on Thursday night (Phase 3, 4 & 5) at the Mt. Vernon Senior Center. See the bottom section of the Classes page for their next class listing. They are sponsored by the Skagit Squares. Round Dancing is a couples choreographed cued ballroom dance that progresses in a circular counter-clockwise pattern around the dance floor. The basic class teaches you Two-Step & Waltz. Round dance is cued in-between square dance tips at the monthly Skagit Squares Dance.